

Apr 18, 2013

Vitamin E - Did You Know Palm Oil Is Packed With This Nutritional Supplement?

Vitamin E: The briefest of introduction!
A combination of 8 related molecules known as tocopherols constitute the Vitamin E. The most biologically active amongst them are Alpha-Tocoperols and they are responsible for most of the benefits the body receives from the absorption of this particular nutritional supplement It is a stable fat-soluble vitamin, which means that our body can easily break down its potency and nutrients. The daily allowance for Vitamin E, as recommended by the US FDA is measured at 8 to 10 milligrams (15 IU) per day. There are a number of experts however who recommend a much large daily dosage such as Dr. William Shute. (In his widely acclaimed Book of Vitamins, he suggests a daily dose of at least 800 (up to 1600) IU.) This high dosage is thought to play a beneficial part in the prevention of arterial degeneration, which is a devastating vascular damage caused by diabetes.
Vitamin E: How is it beneficial. (If you must know something, then let it be the following!)
According to a research conducted by the folks at Yale University, the unwelcome physical decline that goes hand in hand with aging can be positively affected by a daily intake of this substance. This doesn't mean old folks who were finding difficult to get out of bed will all of sudden be able to leap out in one graceful jump but research did show a gradual rebuilding of vitality which transferred over to a better overall health.
Vitamin E and Diabetics:
In a Swedish Study, Vitamin E therapy as a treatment for diabetes was put forward and supported. The findings includes suggestions such as an advisable daily intake dose of 200 IU of vitamin E over the course of two weeks. The study suggests that Vitamin E helps decrease the insulin requirements of Diabetic patients.

Breast Cancer and Vitamin E: In a society ravaged with an alarming number of women diagnosed with Breast Cancer, vitamin E, taken in proper form appears to be a considered method of reducing the risk of this illness. A number of studies have demonstrated that the risk of contracting Breast Cancer double for women with low levels of vitamin E when compared with those who take the recommended minimum requirements. These studies indicate that some Vitamin E components found in food may be the reason for the reduction in Cancer of the Breast incidence .
There are two classes of Vitamin E:
  1. Tocopherol, the form usually found in supplements
  2. Tocotrienol, found in food. For example palm oil .
Foods rich in Vitamin E are:
  • Oils: vegetable oils such as palm oil, sunflower, corn, soybean, and olive oil.
  • Good sources of vitamin e are egg yolk, margarine, Parmesan,cheddar,chickpeas, soya beans, avocados, olives, carrots, parsnips, red peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet corn, and watercress.
  • Other sources can be found in fish, goats milk, whole grains,wheat or cereal germ, oatmeal, whole grain products peanut butter, fruits, vegetables, milk and all whole raw or sprouted seeds. Because of the hectic life we seemingly lead in this modern world
Did you know?Vitamin E supplements and all Dietary supplements are measured in international units (IU) .

Did you also know that the word 'Vitamin" is the combination of two words proposed by Dr. Cacimir Fun who in 1911 talked about "Vita Amine" when referring to a new food substance used in the cure of beri-beri.
Several decades later, the final "e" was dropped and a new word was created: Vitamin! Vitamins as micro-nutrients were actually discovered earlier (1887) when Dr.Eijkman who was studying a disease in Indonesia called beriberi realized that fowl who were fed with polished rice developed the disease whereas those fed on crudely milled rice did not.
Nutrition has always been the best source for our supplemental needs. Vitamin E is not different and can be found in all the food sources mentioned above. If you choose to take Vitamin E in supplemental form, our best advise would be Organic Vitamins.
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